Perceived Organizational Support as the Moderator Between Psychosocial Safety Climate and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Among Nurses
Psychosocial safety climate, perceived organizational support, organizational citizenship behavior.Abstract
Background. Psychosocial Safety Climate (PSC) refers to an organizational atmosphere that is
characterized by mental wellbeing and security of workers. Literature suggests PSC fosters
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) particularly when employees perceive high degree of
organizational support. Therefore, the present study aimed at empirically testing this proposition
by investigating the moderating role of Perceived Organizational Support (POS) among nurses.
Method. The sample included 86 male and 214 female nurses recruited from different
government and private hospitals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Psychosocial Safety Climate
Scale (Hall et al., 2010), Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (Lee & Allen, 2002), and
Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (Eisenberger et al., 1997) were used to measure
constructs of the present study.
Results. PSC significantly and positively correlated with OCB and POS. PSC also had a
significant main effect (positive) on OCB, and the interaction of PSC and POS on OCB was also
significant, suggesting that this positive relationship between and OCB was moderated by POS.
Conclusion. Our findings indicated that POS is an important organizational resource for
enhancing the OCB in employees. High degree of organizational support to nurses can influence
positive effect of on their OCB.
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