Personal Relative Deprivation, Altruistic behaviour and Reciprocity Towards Strangers: Mediating Role of Belief in Just World


  • Iqra Ameer
  • Nelofar Rauf NIP,QAU,ISLAMABAD
  • Warda Saleh
  • Nadia Bashir



Personal relative deprivation, Altruism, Reciprocity, Belief in just world


Background. The present study was conducted to explore the role of personal relative deprivation as a
predictor of altruistic behavior and reciprocity towards strangers. Moreover, the mediating role of belief in
just world about others was also assessed.

Method. The sample (N = 510) comprised of students (male = 144; female = 366) with ages ranging from
18 to 42 years (M = 22.9; SD = 4.2) from different universities of Pakistan.

Results. Results revealed that personal relative deprivation and belief in just world about others positively
predicted altruistic behavior and reciprocity towards strangers. Furthermore, it was also discovered that belief
in just world about others mediates the relationship between predicting variable i.e. personal relative
deprivation and outcome variables i.e. altruistic behavior and reciprocity.

Conclusion. Inculcating altruistic behavior can aid communities and governments in developing more
effective campaigns centered on encouraging prosocial behavior towards strangers.


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How to Cite

Ameer, I., Rauf, N., Saleh, W., & Bashir, N. (2022). Personal Relative Deprivation, Altruistic behaviour and Reciprocity Towards Strangers: Mediating Role of Belief in Just World. Foundation University Journal of Psychology, 7(1), 69–76.