Relationship of Parenting Styles with Decision-Making and Self-concept among Adolescents


  • Sana Altaf Islamic International University Islamabad
  • Bushra Hassan Islamic International University Islamabad
  • Alam Zeb Khattak Islamic International University Islamabad
  • Nazia Iqbal Islamic International University Islamabad



Parenting styles, self-concept, decision making styles.


Objectives. The current research aimed to examines the relationship of parenting styles with
decision-making and self-concept among adolescents (N=400).
Method. The sample comprised of College students from Rawalpindi and Attock including both
government and private colleges. There were 200 male and 200 female college students
recruited into present study. Data were collected through the Parental Authority Questionnaire
(Buri, 1989), Self-Concept Questionnaire (Robson, 1989), and Melbourne Decision Making
Questionnaire (Mann et al., 1997).
Results. Self-concept has significant negative correlation with authoritarian father, authoritarian
mother, permissive father, permissive mother, whereas significant positive correlation with
authoritative father and authoritative mother Decision making style is also significantly correlated
with parenting styles. The findings revealed that gender moderates the relationship between
authoritarian parenting styles and hypervigilance as well as procrastination. Moreover, gender
also moderates the relationship between authoritarian parenting and self-concept.
Conclusion. Study demonstrate that parenting styles play a distinctive role especially
authoritarian parenting style to determine the adaptive decision making and firm self-concept
among adolescents.


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How to Cite

Altaf, S., Hassan, B., Khattak, A. Z., & Iqbal, N. (2021). Relationship of Parenting Styles with Decision-Making and Self-concept among Adolescents. Foundation University Journal of Psychology, 5(2).