Managing Mental Health Problems and Quality of Life among Dialysis Patients through Stress Management Intervention


  • Sarwat Sultan Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan
  • Rabia Munir Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan
  • Frasat Kanwal



Dialysis Patients, Stress Management Module, kidney Disease Quality of Life, Depression, Anxiety, Stress


Objective. Chronic diseases and psychological disorders have privileged co morbidity with each other; dialysis patients are also at high risk of internalizing problems. This study investigated the effectiveness of stress management techniques in controlling internalizing problems and kidney disease related quality of life of the dialysis patients
Method. This study was completed using repeated measure research design with 20 diagnosed kidney patients found high on mental health problems who were randomly selected from initially approached sample of 100 registered patients in Nishtar Hospital Multan. 20 participants were then randomly assigned to intervention and control group equally. Stress management techniques were administered to intervention group only. Pre and post data were obtained on Kidney Disease Related Quality of Life Scale (Hays et al., 1994) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). This study was conducted during 2016-2017.
Results. Significant differences were found in pre and post-scores on kidney disease quality of life, depression,
anxiety and stress for intervention group (t = 5.03, < .001 and t = 8.12, 1.42,3.02 at <0.01 respectively) while insignificant findings were found for control group. It implies that patients after receiving stress management intervention (Meichenbaum, 1993) reported an increase in quality of life and decrease in their symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.
Conclusion. Stress management techniques have been found effective in improving kidney related quality of life and lowering depression, anxiety, and stress of kidney patients.
Implications. The findings of present study are useful for the physicians and family members of kidney patients. Stress management techniques if are employed by kidney patients' professionals in particular and their family members in general can extend the quality of life and let down the depression, anxiety, and stress. Seminars and workshop should be conducted for the awareness of these internalizing problems and importance of stress management.


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How to Cite

Sultan, S., Munir, R., & Kanwal, F. (2022). Managing Mental Health Problems and Quality of Life among Dialysis Patients through Stress Management Intervention. Foundation University Journal of Psychology, 6(1).