Repressive/Defensive Coping, Identity Confusion and Social Stress in Non-Suicidal Self-injury among Psychiatric Patients
Non-Suicidal self-injury Repressive-defensive coping, Identity confusion and Social Stress.Abstract
The present study aims to investigate the relationship between repressive defensive coping, identity confusion and social stress among non suicidal self-injury patients in psychiatric population.
Between group cross sectional research design was used to collect the data of 70 participants (Men=27 and Women=43) with age ranging from 20-35 (Mean age=27.3, S.D=4.9). Data was collected from Government and Private Hospitals.Following tools were used to measure variables Ottawa Self-injury Inventory (OSI) (Nixon & Cloutier, 2005), Rational/ Emotional Defensiveness Scale (R/ED) (Swan, Carmelli, Dame, Rosenman & Spielberger, 1991), Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation (BFNE-II) (Carleton, Collimore & Asmundon, 2007) and Erickson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (EPSI)(Rosenthal, Gurney & Moore, 1981).
Results revealed that repressive defensive coping and identity is negatively related to NSSI while social stress was positively related to NSSI. Prediction analysis revealed that anti-emotionality, identity synthesis, confusion and social stress were significant predictors of non-suicidal self- injury.
Present research reveals some of the major contributing factors and features of non-suicidal self- injury along with coping and stress of the individuals that will help the professionals to understand the phenomena and provide better assistance.