Risk and Protective Factors of Suicidal Ideation among Eastern and Western Countries: A Systematic Review

  • Noor Ul Ain Muneeb
  • Sumara Masood Ul Hassan National University of Sciences and Technology
Keywords: Suicidal ideation, risk factors, protective factors, Eastern and Western countries, systematic review


Background. Suicide is the second consumer of life among 15 to 29 years old adults. Extant literature is invested in psycho-social determinants of suicidal behavior, whereas little synthesized evidence about determinants of suicidal ideation in Eastern and Western countries is available. Hence, this study aimed to deliver a thorough, updated, and methodical review of the available literature on risk and protective factors of suicidal ideation in Eastern and Western countries, and a critical appraisal of selected studies.

Method. A total of 41 out of 273 full-text articles were included as per PRISMA guidelines. Data was extracted from the database of PubMed Central, Embase, and ScienceDirect. The articles with risk and/or protective elements of suicidal ideation, published in English language were included. The sampling populations were young students lying in most vulnerable age group between 15 to 29 years old. For critical appraisal, SIGN and AXIS criteria were employed. The instruments administered to assess the level of suicidal ideation among studies varied from a single item to complete questionnaire.

Results. Consistent risk and protecting determinants of suicidal ideation in both Eastern and Western countries like psychological disorders, personality traits, childhood and adult maltreatment, familial conflicts, anhedonia, strain, sleep disturbances, emotional reactivity, rumination, and negative coping were observed. Hardiness, resilience, social support, autonomy, and extraversion had a protective role. Physical risk elements like allergic diseases and defecation disorders were identified in Eastern countries.

Conclusion. More similarities than differences were found in Eastern and Western countries. Policymakers should take into account the modifiable risk elements and employ protective elements to manage risk at the ideation level before its progression to complete suicide.

Keywords. Suicidal ideation, risk factors, protective factors, Eastern and Western countries, systematic review


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