True Leaders Never Stop Learning: Relationship between Intellectual Humility, Decision Making Self-Esteem, Decision Making Styles and Occupational Wellbeing among Educational Leaders
intellectual humility, decision making self-esteem, decision-making styles, occupational wellbeing, educational leadersAbstract
Background. Present study was aimed to examine relationships between intellectual humility, decision making self-esteem, decision-making styles and occupational wellbeing among educational leaders. Furthermore, predicting role of intellectual humility and decision making self-esteem on decision making styles have been focused.
Method. A sample of 150 Head of department of universities and Principals of colleges (aged 25-60 years) were selected belonging to different universities and colleges of Attock, Hasanabdal, Wah Cantt, Taxila, Rawalpindi, and Islamabad. Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale (Krumrei-Mancuso & Rouse, 2016), Decision-Making Self-Esteem Scale (Mann et al., 1997), Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire (Mann et al., 1997) and Work-Wellbeing Scale (Parker & Hyett, 2011) were used to measure research variables.
Results. Results showed that intellectual humility has significant positive relationship with decision making self-esteem, work satisfaction and vigilance style. Intellectual humility and decision making self-esteem significantly predict vigilance among educational leaders. On hypervigilance, the mean of educational leaders with less income comparatively to other groups is greater than mean of these groups.
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