Common Myths About Coronavirus Disease-19 ( COVID-19) Among Adults




Pandemic, COVID-19, Myths, Pakistan, Prevalence


 Objective. People adopted different attitudes and behaviors during the outbreak of COVID19
pandemic. It results in development of various myths among the peoplewhichalso effect adoption of
precautionary measures. The present study thus attempted to assess common myths related to
COVID-19 in Pakistan among general population of adults.
Method. A list of 33 myths was generated based on literature, opinion of subject matter experts, and
general observation of myths prevailing in Pakistan. It was used to assess myths about COVID-19 for
the sample (N=220) of adults (Mage=27.9; SDage=10.2).
Results. Results suggested that the most prevalent myths are:(a)older people are more vulnerable to get
infected of COVID-19 (82%) and (b) thermal scanners can detect if the person is infected of virus
(75%). Participants also mention some associated indigenous myths e.g., COVID-19 doesn’t prevail,
deaths are misreported as caused by Corona virus, and Corona recovered people can’t get infected again
etc. Results of t-test suggested that men are stronger myths believers as compared to women.
Differences with respect to education demonstrated that undergraduates and graduates are significantly
higher believers of myth than postgraduates.
Implications. Findings could help to develop a clear awareness of the false beliefs about COVID-19.
Addressing the false beliefs would assist in ensuring the adoption of necessary precautionsas beliefs
closely associate with preventive measures adopted.


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How to Cite

Sahar, N.- e, Naqvi, I., & Aziz, A. (2021). Common Myths About Coronavirus Disease-19 ( COVID-19) Among Adults. Foundation University Journal of Psychology, 5(2).